Monday, April 18, 2005

The Totally Awesome Eighties

I was Donnie's #1 Fan!

Has anyone heard of "The 80's Game?" A bunch of us gathered for Jeremy Hatfield's birthday party and ended up playing "The 80's Game." Well, okay. I begged everyone to play it. I thought I was the 80's Queen until we played the game. I didn't know the answers to anything that happened before 1986.

Here are my memories from the 80's:
1. Inviting New Kids on the Block to my birthday party.
2. Milli Vanilli wasn't actually Milli Vanilli (Who cares, though? Just blame it on the rain).
3. Looping the side of my shirts through those plastic things.
4. Crimping my hair.
5. Keds.
6. Watching Howard the Duck over and over.
7. Putting my hair in a side pony tail while listening to Janet Jackson's "Escapade."
8. Having a little pink boombox.
9. Making up a dance to Bon Jovi's "You Give Love a Bad Name."
10. Reading The BabySitter's Club series and wanting to be Stacy.
11. Watching Saved By the Bell and wanting to date Zach Morris.
12. Watching Alf, Perfect Strangers, My Two Dads, Pee Wee Herman, and Punky Brewster.
13. Slap bracelets.
14. Wearing Jellies shoes.
15. Wearing long, tapered denim shorts and rolling them up on the ends in the smallest rolls possible.
16. Jams (the shorts)


At 9:24 AM, April 19, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You brought a smile to my face Nikki Leigh (i think we have the same middle name, either way it sounds good!)... ok so I watch Saved by the Bell in the mornings and sometimes find myself wishing I could date Zach, or someone like him!...I still have the Janet Jackson Rythem Nation CD and I put Escapade (and Black Cat) on everyone in awhile to jam to. The Babysitters Club...they were the coolest!! I always wanted to be Dawn but I always knew I was Mallory at heart. NKOTB, well there is not enough room on any blog to talk about that great music genre....

At 10:04 AM, April 19, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, I remember rolling my pantlegs. Sometimes I would do the safety pins too, which was always fun when they came undone and stabbed you in the ankle. I still roll my pants sometimes when I'm all alone but don't tell anyone.

At 11:39 AM, April 19, 2005, Blogger Nick Nye said...

To be honest- I hated the 80's and everything about it. The pant leg thing was dumb, the slap braclets always bugged me, and most of the music didn't sit right with me. This doesn't refect on my childhood but the culture that taught me love skip-it and New Kids on The Block...sick, I'm getting sick thinking about all that.

At 11:40 AM, April 19, 2005, Blogger Lorie said...

Three words: Jordache, Teen Wolf

Ah, the good ol' days... :)

At 3:03 PM, April 19, 2005, Blogger Kristin said...

I hate the 80s too, Nick!!! Its sort of miserable living with a roommate who loves the 80s. :)Imagine road trips...Micheal J., NKOTB...

At 3:57 PM, April 19, 2005, Blogger Bobby said...

I love the 80s! I must say, though, that I can't approve of NKOTB. The rest of the 80s rocked.

I used to have one of those "half perms", where it was permed tight and curly in the back, and then feathered up straight in the front. And I had a couple bright colored, Don Johnson sport jackets. I'd push the sleeves up to the elbows.

Rubiks Cube though. What was that all about? I never could solve that stupid thing.

At 11:11 PM, April 19, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK, were all jellies sparkly or just mine because I'm SO awesome? Have you noticed that every summer they try to bring those puppies back? And every summer I'm slightly tempted to buy them and then I remember the sweaty feet and major blisters that accompanied them and I have the will power to JUST SAY NO to jellies.
Erin, I SCRUNCHED my double-layered socks and wore them over my stirrup pants, with my checkered canvas slip-ons. Yeah, that's right.
And Charlie perfume, anyone? It went through about seven million incarnations in the late 80s. Charlie Red, Charlie White, Charlie Oriental... (oriental!?! I can't believe they could get away with calling it that!) Charlie White was pretty much my favorite perfume. And, come to think of it, I may have gone to school with a kid named Charlie White... weird, right?

At 11:18 PM, April 19, 2005, Blogger Sarah said...

Hey Nikki. I feel like I should know you because I've heard so much about you from Leslie. So I hope you don't mind my leaving a comment.

I loved Joey from The New Kids, leggings and B.U.M. Equipment sweatshirts, Kirk Cameron, Debbie Gibson, British Knights, and Jem & the Holograms. And while I'm kinda into the modern 80's comeback in style, we will know we've gone too far when "feathering" is among us.

At 7:42 AM, April 20, 2005, Blogger Lenny said...

Nick, you hate the 80s? But you embody everything an 80s rocker is meant to be! (J/K). But seriously, the 80s had to have the greatest inspirational music. Eye of the Tiger, Sister Christian, Safety Dance, and a host of other songs such as these came out of the 80s. Uche, Mike, and I actually spent 2 hours a couple of weeks ago discussing which 80s songs would make good national anthems for which nations.

At 10:23 AM, April 20, 2005, Blogger Lorie said...

Ah, Kirk Cameron! At one point my room was literally wall-papered in KC posters. I even took a picture of myself with one that was more life-sized (our heads were tilted towards each other) and when people saw it they thought it was really the two of us! When I found out that he had become a Christian, I took personal credit because of how many HOURS I prayed for his salvation when I was crushing on him back in the day. Since, of course, that was the only way we could ever be together. :)

I had a (girl) cousin named Charlie Brown and I would give her Charlie perfume every year for her birthday when we were kids (in the 80's).

At 2:35 PM, April 20, 2005, Blogger Jessica said...

My mom wouldn't let us buy jellies because she thought plastic shoes would suffocate our feet. I grew up on natural fibers.

At 3:08 PM, April 20, 2005, Blogger Alex F said...

Some great 80s television:
The A Team
Dukes of Hazard
CHiPs (you're too young...)

OK maybe great for a guy. And, I really was thinking that Saved by the Bell was from the early 90's... but I could be wrong on that. I didn't watch it until I had a roommate in college who loved the reruns.

At 4:14 PM, April 20, 2005, Blogger Lorie said...

These were all faves:
The A Team
Dukes of Hazard
CHiPs (you're too young...)

But let's not forget these gems:
The Love Boat
Fantasy Island
Three's Company
Gilligan's Island
Care Bears

(We watched a lot of TV at my house.)

At 7:06 PM, April 20, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fraggle Rock... can't remember if that was in the 80s or the early 90s. But we only got to watch it when we had a "free preview weekend" since it wasn't on the basic cable channels.
And Zoobilee Zoo. I thought that show rocked. I used to remember the theme song, but it has been so stinkin' long. And that just rhymed. Sweet.

At 10:15 PM, April 20, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Other great 80's shows:
The Wonder Years
Doogie Howser
Family Ties
The Cosby Show

Nikkie, who won the 80's game the other night? And who talked the most trash during the game? YOU!!! Who talks that much trash over a board game, especially when they only answered ONE question -- and it was Tetris? Your two OLDER teammates carried you to victory, especially shane.

I was in love with debbie gibson!

Totally Awesome,
Michael J. Fox

At 11:25 PM, April 20, 2005, Blogger Bobby said...

Let's not forget the show "Knight Rider." Actually I didn't much care for it, but my fellow 80's refugee friends have named our group the Nightriders in homage of that show and all things 80s (yeah, they didn't spell it like the show. We didn't do much studying in the 80s).

I was in love with Tiffany. Not too long ago I discovered the huge Tiffany poster I had.

I think we're alone now /
there doesn't seem to be anyone around ....

At 1:32 PM, April 28, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cheryl, I had totally forgotten that! I'm dying laughing!!! The hairdo was too much. Someday, my friend, we will have the pink strapless dress, someday.
My jellies were red. No sparkles. Lots of band-aids, though.
Favorite shirt of the 80's: the Outback Red 10-button with the tag on the outside so everyone knew you bought it at The Limited and not at some knock-off place like Lerner.
I dated a guy named Charlie who gave his mom Charlie perfume for Christmas every year.
The only celebrity worthy of a spot on my walls was Kirk Cameron. Full body shot of him leaning, arms crossed, looking kinda sideways at you in a white sports coat. I know you know which one I mean, Lorie.
Oh my gosh, like, gag me with a spoon and throw me out the door!
The 80's were so totally awesome!


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