Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Spring Break Show

It's Spring Break...that means that nobody will be checking their mail on campus. It also means that there aren't many people in town. So, that means that I can't promote the show at Java this Friday. This blog is basically my only means of promotion. So...

Come out to the Java in Prospect
from 7:30-9:30.

I'll be playing originals and covers. Lorie King will sing with me, but no mandolin this time.

Java is located at 9561B US Hwy. 42
Prospect, KY 40059
(502) 292-2710

Is anyone going to be there with bells on? It's a free show. Please post a comment letting me know that you'll be there. Seriously, what if everyone is out of town and nobody comes? That would be so sad...

Now for a funny story.

A group of people from Sojourn were cleaning up the sidewalks on Bardstown Road a week or two ago. Jenna and I showed up really late (we were helping some friends move), but just in time for something funny to happen. Mike Blakney was trying to pick trash out of a gutter with a long stick. He kept pulling out semi-normal things until something heavy stuck to the stick. (Literally STUCK to the stick) It was...

Huge, dirty underwear! SO GROSS! They were tar-black (but started out white), and all...nasty and stuff. It was terrible. I was informed that they found a fish head in a donut box early that morning.

Bardstown Road...where the fun ends. Java on Prospect this Friday...where the fun begins.


At 2:13 PM, April 05, 2005, Blogger Balaji said...

Nikki! I would come if Java wasn't 1053 miles away... but I want to tune in... do you have a CD on sale?
And hey, I've got to say that the picture you have on www.nikkitatom.com absolutely ROCKS! It is stunningly professional! You've got to blog about the making of that picture...
I'll "nickle jav" now... :p

At 4:30 PM, April 05, 2005, Blogger Jessica said...

I know you and Lorie will do a FABULOUS show (to coin Lorie's own favorite adjective). I'd love to be there for it, but I'll be in sunny Florida for the remainder of the week and weekend. Good luck ladies!! I'll be there in spirit!

At 11:15 PM, April 05, 2005, Blogger Slish said...

I'll be honest...sometimes I'll drag a stick around my room and find the exact thing happen to me with the exact same kind of underwear. I never found a fish head tho...weird.
I'm a friend of Nick's. I'm a little bitter that he left me and went off to seminary without me...but hey!..whatever!
Enjoy Dr Mohler...I'll have to settle for John Piper on the radio.
grace and peace.

At 9:40 AM, April 06, 2005, Blogger Bobby said...

If I don't get lost (being, as I am, a big dumb hoosier) I'll be there.
But I'll only have bells on if you do "Down In The Flood". Which you're planning on doing, right?

At 4:52 PM, April 07, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you'll do awesome! Wish I could be there, but I'll be sending my prayers!

At 1:41 PM, April 08, 2005, Blogger Nikki Leigh Daniel said...

Okay, so Lorie won't be singing with me tonight because her sister HAD to have her baby a few days early...
However, I'll be playing both tonight and tomorrow night at the same Java. So, if you can't make it tonight, you should come tomorrow night. Lorie might be back to sing Saturday, or might just be me both nights.

At 10:49 PM, April 08, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Nikki,

My friend and I just happened to stumble into Java this evening on our way home. I'm extremely glad that we did.
Your performance was exceptional. That sheer angelic voice layered with the soothing chords of your beautiful Taylor guitar (A mighty fine choice by the way) had me in awe.

I was thoroughly impressed. Even though I was unable to see your set in its entirety, you have successfully swayed me to attend your performance on Saturday night.

Do you play a lot of shows in Louisville?

From a fellow musician, your music is inspiring. It encompasses everything I wish I could be doing.

You've really got something.

At 1:13 AM, April 19, 2005, Blogger Nikki Leigh Daniel said...

Thanks so much, Russell. Your kind words have encouraged me. Thanks for your support out at the shows and online.


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