Saturday, February 19, 2005

Seat Pops, Mullets, and a Rubberband

I'm ready for a new topic.

Dream Mullet

So, today Nick, Chad and I went to the mad house known as the County Clerk's Office. I have spent a considerable amount of time there since I first journeyed into Kentucky, so I was prepared for the mullet madness. Nick and Chad, however, were not.

We walked in, took a number, and had a seat. Now, you have to be very stategic about choosing a seat at this place. It is always packed out and if you're not careful, you'll end up in a seat that can't be seen by the employees.

Here's the thing about the County Clerk's Office. You have to be ready as soon as they call your number. If you're not, you have to take a new number and start all over. It's like speed bingo or something. If they don't see anyone stand up the moment after saying a number, they will move on to the next. It's like "22...23.......24..25" You have basically pop out of your seat. Chad compares it to running out of blocks at a track meet.

The scene at this place is just hilarious. Some people are grumpy because they didn't pop out of their seats fast enough while others have no clue what is going on. Mullets are typical. Oh, and there are motivational posters lining the walls. You know the kind. They have a picture of a bear or a rainbow and say things like "Success" and "Dream."

So, what did we have for entertainment during our 1.5 hour wait? One rubberband. I kept pulling the rubberband really tight over a license plate and strumming it like a guitar. Then the guys started harmonizing with the rubberband. Then it broke.

There's no real significance to this post. I just wanted to talk about something new.


At 1:29 PM, February 19, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would just like to say that I am a employee of our beloved Jefferson County Clerks office... This is an assault on the welbein of our society. We give numbers and people don't respond so what are we to do? It ain't easy sayin' the same numbers over and over everday. I dream about those stupid numbers every night. Numbers, Numbers, numberssss!!!!

I asked to see if we could go through a letter system, but "No, there are only 25 letters in our aphabet, so we can't do that."

Why can't we have more letters in our aphabet? I don't know.

That's all I got to say right now...

At 1:42 PM, February 19, 2005, Blogger Nikki Leigh Daniel said...

Thanks for your response! I really don't mean to offend-the workers are fine (and actually really nice), but it really is the like coming out of the blocks!

Don't get me wrong-if I worked there, I'd be saying those numbers so fast! There are so many people in there-I'd be flying through the numbers with no mercy.

How did you find this blog?

At 8:06 PM, February 19, 2005, Blogger Adrian Blackney said...

I don't mean to...
There are 26 letters in the alphabet.

At 9:48 AM, February 20, 2005, Blogger Bobby said...

Adrian is right. I've researched it ... there really are 26. I think Congress snuck a new one in on us while we were all diverted with worries about Iraq and Social Security.

So ... some people are Accidental Mullet-heads. These are the saddest kind. I know whereof I speak, for -- I ONCE WAS ONE! Just for a couple months.

I tried to grow my hair long again about 1 1/2 years ago, because I love long hair. I love to feel the swish of it against my neck (did I really just say that?) But alas, Father Time has been playing the receding hairline game on my small head. The hair still grew thick and curly in the back, but on the front and sides ... nothing.
I was blinded to this truth, refusing to tell myself that I could possibly be in the hair loss stage of my life, being so young and vibrant. My friends and fashion consultants, Stacey and Amanda, even tried to tell me that I had entered mulletdom. Finally, someone took a picture of me and I saw what I had been ignoring in the mirror. A trip to the hair stylist ensued, and I have been short-cut ever since. Sigh.

At 10:16 PM, February 20, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Nikki. This has nothing to do with mullets, but while I was checking out links on my buddy Matt Hall's blog, I ran across a rather humorous article about guys at SBTS. Ms. Atwood's blog (whom I do not know at all) linked me to yours, and so I thought I'd look around a bit. I was excited to see that you're a big fan of Patti Griffin, Gillian Welch, and Emmylou. I've got Quarter Moon and I've heard Revival, but I'm not that familiar with Patti Griffin. I've heard some cuts off of Impossible Dream, but, as I'm a poor student, I'd like some advice before I go out and buy an album. Since you seem like a cool chick, and a friend of a friend of a friend, I was wondering if you could point me in the right direction? Thanks
David Neal

At 9:22 AM, February 21, 2005, Blogger Alex & Laura Beth said...

Man, Nikki, you get all kinds of online hook-ups!

Oh yeah... My aunt and uncle live next door to Billy Ray Cyrus (the king of mullets).

At 2:33 PM, February 21, 2005, Blogger Nick Nye said...

well, I brushed up against someone, that was brushing up against Kirk Cameron's mom, who was driving in a golf-cart talking with Kirk Cameron!

At 4:53 PM, February 21, 2005, Blogger leslie said...

that's lame :-)

At 8:55 AM, February 22, 2005, Blogger Bobby said...

David, I think you would enjoy Patty Griffin. The only record I have is her second, "Flaming Red," which has some really good lyrics. Her writing reminds me of Sylvia Plath. She's one of those artists whom I've always wanted to explore further, but just haven't gotten to yet.
"Flaming Red" is considered more of a rocker than her debut, "Living With Ghosts," which I'm told is all acoustic.
Most people consider her masterpiece to be "1000 Kisses," from 2002. I've heard about half the cuts on it, and all are good.

She also has a live album called "A Kiss In Time," and a new record. I think the title is "Impossible Dream".

Have you heard Nancy Griffith? She would be another great contemporary folky to explore. She's a tad more alt. country than Patty Griffin -- a bit more like Emmy Lou Harris.

At 1:34 PM, February 22, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is Jeannie Hall, wife of Matt Hall, who has a blog that links to Laura Atwood's blog which links to yours which brought Dave Neal to your website. Before everyone goes all "Bert Daniel" on him, let me just say that he is NOT a creep and he does actually exist, we actually know him. He was the best man in our wedding. So please don't be afraid to answer his questions!!

At 2:36 PM, February 22, 2005, Blogger Nikki Leigh Daniel said...

I know that the "Bert Daniel" thing got a little out of hand! I don't think Bert or Dave are creeps. I've actually had to "ground" myself from my blog. I'm not allowing myself to get on here until my school stuff is done for the day. Isn't it so sad that blogging is that addictive?! Anyway-that is why I haven't responded to Dave yet. Thanks for your comment! :)

Ohmygoodness! Patty Griffin is an amazing musician. Her songwriting is what really draws me to her. Bobby is right on with the information about her CDs. Here is my take:

"Living With Ghosts" Completely acoustic. Just her with her guitar. This is my personal favorite CD because it is raw and shows bare Patty without production tricks. Her songs are a bit grundgy/in your face on this CD.

"Flaming Red" This is Patty's rock CD. There are some TRUE rock songs on it. She yells and has so much fun on this one. I put this in my CD when I'm going to wear my red shoes...(seriously)...and I sing the title track as loud as I can.

"1000 Kisses" A different side of Patty. This is also a great CD. It is much more laid back and has 2 of my all-time favorite Patty songs on it-Chief and Long Ride Home. This CD is more "pretty" sounding.

"A Kiss in Time" Live and one of her best concerts. Mix of songs.

"Impossible Dream" Her newest and most folk sounding CD. It was nominated for a grammy in the Best Folk Album category. It is also laid back, but has an underlying rock/R&B feel on some songs. Most would consider this her big hit thus far. Her first music video was made from the first song on the CD called "Love Throw A Line."

For your first Patty CD, I would recommend Living With Ghosts. But you honestly can't go wrong-she is amazing!

I also have some live stuff that she's done, her unreleased CD (Silver Bell), and a 3 CD set of unleased/cover stuff from Let me know if you want any of this and I can send you some stuff. (It's has a rule that says as long as I'm not making money off of this, I can burn CDs. There are also rules about the actual copying, but I have them down to a T).

At 4:56 PM, February 22, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kind of ironic that you're from Texas and aren't used to mullets...

At 7:27 PM, February 22, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bobby - thanks for the Patty Griffin info and I'll def. check out Nancy Griffith...

Jeannie - thanks for vouching for me...Love ya babe.

Nikki - I have to be honest with you. I hate folk music and I was actually just trying to get you alone in a chat room...Unfortunately, since some guy named Bert ruined any chance I had at a little online romance, I guess we'll just have to keep this relationship purely platonic...It would never work anyways...I'm sorry...

Those CDs sound great, by the way. I'll check out her website and see what I can find, but I don't know if I can trust you with my address just yet. I mean, I barely know you...

Thanks again for your help, and blessings on your blog!

At 10:09 PM, February 22, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Do something about your filthy hair. It looks like a rat's nest. Do something about your mullet! Get out the hair clippers, jerk."

At 9:18 AM, February 23, 2005, Blogger Bobby said...

Dave, that was hilarious.

At 12:09 AM, February 24, 2005, Blogger Nikki Leigh Daniel said...

Yeah-that quote up there is a Wesley Willis quote (RIP, WW!). The mullet quote, you know? The one about someone's hair looking like a rat's nest?

My favorite line is: "Nobody wants to look at you with that mullet on your head. Why don't you cut that mullet, you numbskull?"


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