Sunday, September 11, 2005

Blog Tag

It's time for exciting game of...BLOG TAG!!!
(See? Buzz tagged the bulldog...on my blog...)

I'm kind-of excited right now. I just went blog-surfing and saw that Cheryl tagged me! (And oh man, if you go to her blog, you HAVE to read her post about bananas. I actually feel bad for laughing at her story, but it's funny!!). I don't think she did it right, though. I mean, I've never actually played Blog Tag, but she tagged me on her turf. Doesn't she have to come over to my blog and tag me? I don't know. But either way, I'm glad that I was invited to play this mad game of tag. Usually I'm the last kid picked, but this time, I think I was more like...second to last picked.

5 Things I Miss About My Childhood

1. I desperately miss playing "Pick-Up Sticks."

2. I miss playing outside in the rain at night and actually enjoying stepping on worms (I'm terrified of them now).

3. I miss having two brothers around all the time. I would try to be as cool as my big brother and my little brother was one of my best friends (although I would NEVER tell him that).

4. I miss playing these Spanish typing games that my dad bought for me.

5. I miss the excitement of seeing my puppy (Saki-a Great Pyranese) for the first time.

Dang! Now I'm getting all sappy. Thanks a lot, Cheryl! You know what else I miss? This is so weird, but I think about this sometimes. I miss having Doritos and Coca-Cola for after-school snacks. I saw my mom have that for a snack one time and then I started having that for a snack ALL the time.

Also, my little brother and I used to put pillows all over the floor (of the entire house) and play "lava." You had to run around the house, but you could only step on the pillows or furniture. If you stepped onto the carpet, you were killed by the (dun, dun, duuuuuuunnn!) LAAVVVAA MONSTEEERR!

Oh, the good old days! Okay, that was 7 things. Oops.

Now, I don't know how this Blog Tag works, really, so I'm going to follow Cheryl's lead and tag some people on my turf. So...TAG!! YOU'RE IT!
1. Alex Forrest
2. The Duck and the Goose
3. Leslie Follmar
4. Dr. Russell Moore (Come on, Dr. Moore! Humor us! SBTS wants to hear 5 things that you miss from your childhood!)


At 8:57 AM, September 12, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good morning, Nikki. It's Laura's mom.
Just wanted to say that I love your blog. I miss my childhood, too, some days, almost as much as I miss my memory! If you see Laura today, tell her "Your mom says hi". Thanks.
God bless you real big today.

At 10:48 AM, September 12, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

WHOA. A lava monster lived in my house, too! After we dramatically got swallowed up in the jowels of his burning hot lava saliva, it usually seemed appropriate to deny our firey doom and go make snakes out of Play-Doh.

At 11:26 PM, September 12, 2005, Blogger Tom said...

And the game of tag continues!!!!! I was already tagged so I can;t get tagged again hahah

~snotty kiniggit!!

At 12:38 AM, September 13, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seriously?! You've never played pick up sticks?! O h man....

You throw them all in a pile and then you take turns picking them up without moving the other ones. But they are all crisscrossed so it's hard. It's a fun way to stay occupied....and a fun way for parents to keep their children occupied i'm sure....

At 6:19 PM, September 13, 2005, Blogger Jason Ramage said...

Doesn't feel good to be bit by a monkey, I'm sure.

I never played pick-up sticks either, but I did play Jenga and that's pretty much the same game, only more sophisticated. Not that I'm trying to imply anything about you or where you're from... I would never do that.

At 7:33 PM, September 13, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

um, yeah....JEnga is probably one of my most favorite games of ALL time.

At 4:10 PM, September 14, 2005, Blogger Laura said...

I stunk at pickup sticks, but was awesome at Don't Break the Ice... and what was that one with the timer where all the pieces would pop up if you didn't get them in the squares in time? Frustration? Tarnation? Shoot.

Nikki, I'm still waiting for a poll regarding Jessica vs. Ashlee... waiting... waiting...

At 4:18 PM, September 14, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 3:49 PM, September 15, 2005, Blogger Lisa said...

Ah. The sweet memories of pick up sticks. I was the champion "sticks" player in 2nd grade at Freedom Hill Elementary...though I grieve to say that I never actually brought home a trophy.

With regards to playing Lava in the living room, we had a similar game that me and my four other siblings played...we pretended we were jumping on logs (pillows, random objects, etc) and if we fell in, our fate would be worse than death (torn from limb to limb by larger than life alligators).

BTW, anyone ever make tents from sheets and blankets and absolutely engulf the living room? We did that ALL the time!

Oh for the simple pleasures of childhood!

At 8:26 PM, September 15, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pretty sure that Nikki and the girls and I made a tent fort in the Hidesug just a couple of years ago....yes it's true. A abunch of 20-something girls crammed into a tent teepee in Nikki's apartment.....Man, that was a fun night!

At 5:42 AM, September 22, 2005, Blogger Jonathan said...

I apologize for my lava monster escaping 20 years ago. I thought I had that chain locked. But I see you never fell in, so it doesn't matter. And even if you did, all you'd have to do is turn on the T.V. and he'd get distracted. I like your post, though.

I also see that it appears you are the middle kid. I was too. Being a middle child, I'd figure you'd be smart enough to know that a bulldog would not lose a fight to a yellowjacket. For cryin' out loud...


Oh and way to go the other night at Java - you sounded great.

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