Wednesday, November 16, 2005

I Lost a Bet.

I am supposed to give mad props to Jonathan Christman. He's so great. Yee-haw. He's amazing. Woop-a-dee-doo. Great job on Dr. Moore's mid-term, Jonathan. You sure beat me. You even got "excellent" written on top of your paper. I didn't get anything written on the top of mine. And yee-haw, you wrote 8 pages for one essay question. I didn't do that. So you beat me. You are so smart. You are so great. No seriously, this guy is great! And really smart! He beat me on Dr. Moore's mid-term. But just wait, Christman. The final is December 2.

Wow-crazy article! I'm glad that I born in 1981 and not attending SBTS then!

After finals, I will return to writing random stories and thoughts. I know that this blog has been skimpy (haha) lately, but please be patient until Dec. 2.


At 12:48 AM, November 17, 2005, Blogger Tom said...

sucks loosing a bet, didnt have to shave yer head or anything did ya?

At 6:03 AM, November 17, 2005, Blogger Spider in a Mason Jar said...

*eyes bugging out after skimming through the link* Jesus not God? Not born of a Virgin? Bible not infallible? Holy cow, what were they teaching back then?

At 12:03 PM, November 17, 2005, Blogger Jonathan said...

Nikki - much love to rock! So, if you want some tutoring this upcoming week for the final, just give me a call okay? :) I'll help you out.

Lots of laughs!!

At 11:06 AM, November 18, 2005, Blogger Nayla Raad said...

Nikki, you are so funny! I miss ya so much and can't wait for you to come down to Texas...please come quick :)

At 1:12 PM, November 18, 2005, Blogger Russ said...

Who is this Jonathan Christman character? He must be quite a stud to outduel the great Nikki Tatom on a Systematic Theology test. Out of curiosity, I checked out his blog and found an equally stunning photo of you, Ms. Tatom. :) Please let us know when that hit single you were recording hits the market!


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