Thursday, June 30, 2005

Put Some Clothes On!!

Why do we gotta show everything we got
In the teeny, weeny bikini we just bought?
We love to shake it all about.
All the while letting our shiny heinies hang out.

(Chorus): So, your body is a wonderland?
Well, save that mystery for your husband.
Why mud pies when you can play in the sand
On a big and bright happy island?

It's getting hot in here (Like the song)
Someone turn on the AC before someone starts stripping like Britney Spears.
Back that thang right back into the closet.
That thread of a shirt, why don't you just toss it?

This is "The Modesty Song" that I wrote a few years ago. I know that the songs I used are outdated, but the message is still the same: I just want girls to put some clothes on! Is that too much to ask, really? Brittany Nye has written a great post about this topic. It's worthy of a link.
Put Some Clothes On!!

Also, I recommend that all females read a book written by Fred Stoeker and Steve Arterburn called "Every Man's Battle." I have a copy if anyone would like to borrow it. I don't think that females will understand the importance of modesty until they read that book or attempt to understand the issue in a similar way.

Ladies, let's put some clothes on!

Sunday, June 26, 2005

The Strangest Feeling

So, I nearly fainted the other day. I've never actually fainted, so I don't know how close I was to it. I am a nanny for 2 kids and I took them to the swimming pool for a couple of hours. I was running around outside for the first hour. I laid out by the baby pool for the second hour. When it was time to leave, I took the little girl to the big pool to get her older brother. I started to feel funny, but didn't think much of it. My stomach started hurting and I felt a little disconnected. We got to the big pool and called out for her brother, but he didn't hear me so I started walking around the pool.

Something weird hit me like a brick. Not literally, but you know what I mean. I slid into the nearest chair and tried to look like nothing was happening. Everything got really dim and I was just looking around at everyone (I think my head was bobbing). Some time went by (although I'm not sure how long exactly) and all I could think about was water. My mouth was soooo dry and I felt really dizzy. I mustered up enough energy to walk over to the beach bag that contained my bottle of water. The kids' aunt saw me and told me sit down. I think I told her that I felt funny. She was like "put your head between your knees!" Another lady dunked her beach towel in the pool and put it around my neck. I'm not sure, but I think just about every single person at the pool was looking at me. Someone tried to hand me water, but it was hard to grab because my arm was tingling from my elbow to my pinky finger.

I didn't pass out.

It was just the strangest feeling. I sat there for maybe 10 minutes and then I was fine. I had a headache until I went to bed that night, but I felt fine. It was really weird. Maybe I was just dehydrated. I don't know, but I think I nearly passed out.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005


To what standards should Christian recording artists be held? I ask this because recently I was disappointed after meeting a very popular Christian musician. I kept thinking about the standards to which Christian speakers, preachers, and church leaders are held. If a pastor is involved in a controversial issue (not necessarily sin), talk begins immediately. I believe that this is a very good thing. However, should musicians not be held to the same standard?

These musicians are writing the songs that we are singing in our churches and homes. Many of them do not write their own music, but because they sing them, their faces are attached to the words. If you drive down Music Row in Nashville or walk into a Lifeway store, you will see tons of faces represented in the Christian music industry. Most people who purchase this music trust that the artists are leading holy lives worthy of the words they are singing. This is true in some cases, but in others it is not.

On a side note, I think it would be fitting for contemporary praise music to be written by Christians who are theologically trained (either in seminaries or through the theologically solid local church).

I am not basing this on my latest encounter, but a series of encounters over the last few years. I wonder about the home churches of these artists. Where is the accountability? Are the artists traveling too much to involved in a local body that will call out sin in their lives? The sin issues that I have seen are not hidden. These artists are very open about their lifestyles, but somehow, the industry continues to successfully promote not only the music, but the artists themselves.

So, the question is really this: Should Christian musicians be held to a HIGHER standard along with preachers and teachers? I believe that they should.

I know that a plethora of Christian musicians are involved in the local church and lead lives worthy of being watched. I am not making a blanket accusation. I am simply wanting to bring conversation involving standards for Christians who are teaching through their music. I am also not talking about controversial issues alone, but rather specific sin issues that the artists do not feel convicted about. This will continue to be a problem until the Lord brings conviction upon the Christian music industry. In the mean time, please do research before supporting musicians.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Best Dog?

Dogs Are Cool.

Dogs have become the topic of conversation lately...mostly because I REALLY want one. Here are some breeds that I've looked into. Which do you think is the best dog? You should share any stories that you have (good or bad) about any of these kinds of dogs. I want to know the truth about them!
*You can vote for more than one

Which is the Best Dog?

Saint Bernard
Bassett Hound
Siberian Huskie
Cocker Spaniel
Great Pyrenees

Free polls from

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Burritos and Folk Music

Come Out This Friday Night!

What?! Burritos and folk music TOTALLY go together!